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Afterschool Programming

LEGO Robotics (Summer): This is an Engineering Exploration course, where students learn the basics of engineering and design through creating robots out of LEGOs. Students are taught how to think like an engineer and solve problems through their creations, allowing them to improve their problem-solving skills and freely use their creativity to create something themselves. This course will also teach helpful principles of mechanical design and how to best serve those who will use their product.

Credit/GPA Recovery (Summer)

Computer Science Classes (Summer/Fall/Spring): Students interested in technological fields can take this beginner level 3-4 month long computer science course and receive an Industry Recognized Python Coding Certification, which can be used to apply to high-paying computer science jobs and waive pre-requisite computer science classes in college. Students will work closely with the instructor and staff to learn high-level problem-solving skills, algorithms, object-oriented programming, recursion, arrays, and more.

Get Real Prevention (Summer/Fall/Spring): Instructed by the Planned Parenthood Association of Utah, this is a comprehensive sex education curriculum that guides middle school and high school students through a variety of courses on sexuality, such as sexual and reproductive anatomy, gender and sexual identity, prevention of SDIs and STDs, social media sexuality, and teen pregnancy prevention. Students will also complete an awareness project at the end of the course that will address one of these topics and connect it to their local communities.

Tutoring (Summer/Fall/Spring): Each day that students attend the REFUGES Program, they will receive tutoring and academic support. The REFUGES program has 10 skilled tutors that specialize in various areas of academia. Tutors are assigned to students based on the students academic needs and will check in with those students weekly about their grades, missing work, and progress on goals that have set together. Goal monitoring takes place throughout the semester to ensure that all students are on track for success.

Dance (Summer/Fall/Spring)

ACT Prep (Fall): During this course, which is taught by a University of Utah instructor, students will have 6 weeks of in-depth ACT practice where they will learn strategies, time-management, best practices, and familiarize themselves with the ACT. Through this program, students have been able to drastically increase their ACT scores.

College and Career Readiness (Fall): This program is designed to provide students grades 11th - 12th with all the skills and materials necessary to apply and attend college and actively find  scholarships. Currently, students in the REFUGES program will have the opportunity to work with a University of Utah advisor who will help guide them through each step of the college preparation process. Through this program, students will learn how to complete their FAFSA, discover and apply for scholarships, apply to colleges, and write personal statements and resumes. During the course of this enrichment, students will be supported by tutors that will work with them and edit their papers to provide significant feedback.